Excerpt from my Journal, June 9, 2008
I'm not the scholarly type but I'm always searching God's word,(for it's meaning). Seems like so many translations, some things are to be taken literally, some things aren't. Who ultimatley decides what the bible has to say to us? We do. I believe God wants us to read, study and share (our own) understandings of His word. I hope God would be the first to agree that He has made some things very difficult to understand, but the clincher here is that we're not suppose to have it all figured out. I find myself (meekly) questioning the scripture at times, trying to put it all together in my head. I've discovered that questioning releases me, and in that I gain a freedom that I don't have to "be God". I don't have to pose that I have it all figured out. I can just let God be God. The best part of it all is that the things that really matter are very clear to me. For example, The Ten Commandments and Gods wonderful promises proclaimed throughout the Bible. Those are facts Jack - Ya don't even have to think about them.
I believe God really does want us to ask questions. Even Jesus asked God questions... before he died on the cross he said, " My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Matt 27:46)
He wants us to engage with him through study, prayer and wonder. When we're wondering where the answer is, when silence is all we hear, then maybe....that's enough. "Be still and know that I am God" psalm 46:10
I will forever be in awe and wonder
Keep up the good work.
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