My baby had his last day of highschool today, the last of our 3 to graduate. It's a bittersweet time. Happy and sad all at the same time. Valerie is very intuitive and seems to know just when I need a Pick-me-up. She seems to know my heart, she's an encourager and I'm so very blessed to have her as my friend.

Dear Father,
My friend Jackie has many happy/sad moments to face this week. Her "little Gavin" has grown up and will be graduating from high school. Jackie and Rick have nurtured and loved him every step of the way. But with the birdies flying the nest it's a pull at Jackie's heartstrings. She loves Gavin enough to let him go, but the mother part of her wants to keep him safely under her wings. We know you have always helped protect our young and as Gavin goes off into the world we count on you to help him make the transition to adulthood.Please be alongside Jackie each day this week giving her joy in the memories that come to mind, pleasure in the final preparations for Gavin's open house, basking in the love all the friends and family will give Gavin, and praying as she works.We pray for Gavin too Lord. May he be yours completly and may he "grow in wisdom and in stature and in the Lord."Your servants, Jackie and Rick, have done their job well. Bless them for their loving service to their family and the family of God.A friend who knows,Valerie
Thank you Valerie, It's just what I needed today love , Jackie
Wow, what an amazing friend you have Mom. Thank you Valerie for being such an amazing Christian friend to my mama.
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